My Projects

Feel free to peruse all my projects as you'd like. This list contains some things that were souly school projects that I feel showcase particular skills and knowledge. However, there are also many projects that I tackled on my own and in my own time. This includes projects that I took beyond the scope of an assignment as a form of self teaching to further myself in a certain area.
Current Work In Progress


This is my Senior Class Project, it's our final, year long, game that gets made by all the artists and programmers in our class. This is the largest and longest project that we get to work on in my particular degree. We put to use anything and everything that we've learned over the course of our education. As well as use the set of skills we have and the tools we've learned to step outside the box of things we've done to do new and different things to challenge ourselves. My roles on the team include: Networking Engineer, Weapons/Inventory System developer, Enemy AI developer, and General Systems Programmer. I encourage you to take a look at the work I've done for the game so far!

April 5th, 2022

Cryptarithm Solver

As a fun little challenge I decided to try my hand at making a Cryptarithm solver. If you are unfamiliar with what a Cryptarithm is here is a brief explanation. The goal is to give words or combinations of letters and "add" them up where all unique letters represent a unique number 0-9. For example lets do something like this: SEND + MORE = MONEY. In this case the only solution would be 9567 + 1085 = 10652.

January 2nd, 2022

Stock/Crypto Trading Bot

For about a year prior to this project I have been into the stock and cryto market. Investing has become a bit of a side hobby for me. So I decided why not combine my new side hobby with my programming skills. I created this automated trading bot that will auto buy and sell the given ticker based on its Relative Strength Index (RSI). All info is gathered by me and all the statistics are calculated by me on the fly while the program runs. I use Robinhood and an API for it called Robin Stocks to connect everything together.

March 25th, 2021

Ogre Game Engine

With this game engine, we started with Ogre as our graphics library wrapper and a handfull of basic goals to hit and we went to town. This engine, I feel, hits a lot on some of my skills as a programmer. Demonstrating skills, including: Singletons, OOP, Custom Scripting, Custom Game Objects, Object Managers, Custom Physics Integration, Collision Integration, Scene Parsing, Custom Component System, Logging, Input Bindings, etc.

December 30th, 2020

The Cavern

This was actually a horror game that a buddy of mine and I started together as a project for school to learn Unreal with him as our level designer and asset manager and myself as the soul programmer for the game. However, we both had so much fun making the game and liked it so much we decided to take it a little bit further, actually working on it outside of the semester with the hope of getting it up on Steam. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty and hoops that you have to be jumped through to get something on steam this didnt happen. However, the game did reach a nice finishing point which we were both still quite happy with.

January 17th, 2020

Pathfinding Algorithms
A* and Breath-First

As a small self project during winter break my sophmore year I decided to do some reasearch and make my own little program that shows two pathfinding algorithms at work: A* and Breath-First_Search. This was a great experience and I learned a lot about graphs and algorithms in general.

January 26th, 2020

Sudoku Solver

This is a self project I did to challenge and better myself in function recursion. Since this is a subject many have a very lose grasp on, I decided it would be a short and very beneficial project to work on. And yes it solves ANY solvable sudoku board.

March 7th, 2019

First Game Jam
Theme: "The End"

Game Jams are a great way to challenge yourself. In this case I worked mostly on the game mechanices, but for me my biggest take away from this was the time management skills aquired from the small time frame and the small group of people.

September 10th, 2019

Second Game Jam
Theme: "It's not a bug its a feature"

With this game jam, me and my small group really wanted to challenge ourselves by diving into Unity for the very first time. I worked on the second level of the game as well as doing a bulk of the coding for the players and enemies and handling all of the version control.

November 11th, 2019

My Very Own
Snake Clone

There are some things that are a right of passage for a programmer, and to me one of those is making a snake clone. I took a couple creative liberties of my own and the snake type movement was really fun to figure out. Over all it was a really short and beneficial project that provided some very thought provoding problems.